Sweeney, Elizabeth (Liz)
Family Services of the Merrimack Valley
Elizabeth Sweeney serves as the CEO of Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, a non-profit social service organization with a mission to empower, nurture and support children and families through life’s challenges. Liz began her career as an intern at Family Services in 1993 while working towards her master’s degree in Social Work. Through her 27-year career at Family Services, Liz has led the implementation of 30+ programs and services, supervised hundreds of staff and volunteers, created collaborations and partnerships, and facilitated countless trainings and workshops. Since becoming CEO, she has more than doubled the budget, scope and number of people served by the organization, which now improves the lives of over 7,000 vulnerable individuals each year. Liz has been a member of the Lawrence Rotary Club for the past nine years, spent three years as a Board Member for the Merrimack Valley Habitat for Humanity, and currently sits on the Massachusetts Mentoring Partnership’s Leadership Council. She is a recipient of the Northeast YWCA TWIN award and a WZID 20 Outstanding Women of New Hampshire Awardee.
Liz raised two boys, Philip and Nicholas, spending hours in a hockey rink or on a soccer field. Currently residing in Andover, Liz continues to enjoy sports as an avid Patriots and Bruins fan. With her boys out of college, she spends her free time on her newest passion: golf.
Liz graduated from the University of Lowell with a B.A. in Psychology and also holds an MSW from Salem State University. Finally, she completed the Institute for Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program at Boston University.